We often get asked this question during class so here are some wonderful ideas to help you make healthy decisions:
- If you are doing the 6am class, have 1/2 a banana before class if you need to. Chances are you will be getting up at 5:30 so eating too much within that 30 minutes may give you cramps. Be sure to have 1 glass of water as well.
- If you are doing the 6pm class have a snack at 4pm. 23 almonds and 1 banana, 1 Clif bar or 1 slice silver hills bread 1 T nut butter. You MUST have a snack before class or you will not have any ‘juice’ to pump up the jam and give it your all!
- After class, you should be having either breakfast or dinner. For breakfast have your 1 grain, 1 protein/dairy, 1 fat, 1 fruit. EX: 1/2 c oatmeal, 1/2 c greek yogurt, 1 c berries 1 t flax. Dinner should be 1 grain, 1 protein, 2 fat, 2 veggies. EX: 1/4 chicken, 1/2 c brown pasta, 2 t olive oil, 2 c mix squash/onions. (tomato sauce for pasta. You can even mix it all together YUM!)
- Eating too little will only backfire on you and make you want to BINGE EAT. Keep that blood sugar at a normal level with 3 meals and 1-2 snacks and you will have lots of energy for a kick-butt workout! Need more advice? Email us! operations@survivorfitness.com