Health and Nutrition

Cold weather outdoor fitness tips

Watch out for winter ‘excuses’

You’ve heard it said many times ‘Health is wealth’. Nothing will ever taste as good as it feels to be FIT! (Except maybe Nutella?)  The worn out excuse of  ‘ I don’t have time’ needs to be kicked to the curb. Here are some things you can do to make time!

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Woman lifting a dumbbell weight for exercise

Weight Training…. Why you NEED to do it!

Like Sands thru the hourglass… so are the days of our lives! If you remember this line… then you need to strength train! Over time, our muscles lose mass and function. When you get over 40 that speeds up even more and if you’re lucky enough to reach 75… you can avoid this condition called ‘sarcopenia’ which is a major cause of disability in the elderly.

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Sleep deprivation and the voice inside your head

Work burnout…. are you suffering from it?

Feeling burnt out at work? At home? In life? This happens to many of us and there are simple ways to tell if it’s happening to you! They are feeling tired all the time, not finding joy in things you used to enjoy, feeling irritable and snappy, reduced ability to concentrate, pessimism, feelings of being overwhelmed, insomnia, weight-gain, sore back or tightness in the shoulders/neck. These are just some of the signs that you may be experiencing some kind of burn out. Your body is sending you signs, so take them seriously. YOU hold the key to prevention!

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Can you eat too much fruit?

Breakfast: The most important meal of the day!

We’ve all heard, at one point or another, that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. While most parents make sure their kids start their day with a full stomach, many adults tend to make it all the way to lunchtime on a few cups of coffee. Research has found that people who skip the first meal of the day are more likely to eat a bigger lunch, and also tend to seek out unhealthier and higher-calorie foods.

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Voted one of the best outdoor workout classes in Vancouver by

The Georgia Straight’s Best of Vancouver Reader’s Choice award winner for Best Boot Camp / Outdoor-Training Program